The variety has an average fruit size, with oval shape and a weight of 4-5 gr. It is considered a very productive variety, with dual use, both for oil production and table olive, green or black.
It has excellent resistance to cold and heat. The oil content of the fruit ranges around 28% and with more intensive cultivation it reaches 35%.
The Megaron olive can be cultivated at an altitude of up to 700 m. However, it is a demanding tree in soil conditions with relative humidity and cold.
It also thrives in deep and fertile soils, while in order to perform at its best it needs simple cultivation care.
Self-fertile variety from the CEBAS-CSIC Institute in Murcia, Spain. Suitable variety for mountainous areas. It is also suitable for areas with late f..
Self-fertile variety developed by the CEBAS-CSIC Institute in Murcia, Spain. The special feature of the variety is the very late flowering, ideal for ..
Self-fertile variety from Cot International's research program. The tree is moderately vigorous and open branched and very productive. The variety is ..
Very early variety, issued by COT International, with excellent fruit quality. It ripens in the second ten days of May. The fruit is oblong oval with ..
Bacon is a populae variety that produces large, attractive, dark coloured fruit. The variety is named after the first breeder Mr. James Bacon, and not..