Self-fertile variety originating from the Spanish institute IRTA in Catalonia. Late flowering season, suitable for areas with late frosts. The tree has semi-upright growth and high productivity with a kernell percentage of over 30%. Harvest time in early September.
Self-fertile variety from the CEBAS-CSIC Institute in Murcia, Spain. Suitable variety for mountainous areas. It is also suitable for areas with late f..
Self-fertile variety developed by the CEBAS-CSIC Institute in Murcia, Spain. The special feature of the variety is the very late flowering, ideal for ..
Self-fertile variety from Cot International's research program. The tree is moderately vigorous and open branched and very productive. The variety is ..
Very early variety, issued by COT International, with excellent fruit quality. It ripens in the second ten days of May. The fruit is oblong oval with ..